Erin is expertly designed to breathe new life into established buildings, apartments, and land estates, offering a seamless transition to a smart, connected living experience.

Future Proofed Properties

Erin can boosts property appeal and value with modern, efficient features for residents.

Tailored Resident Experience

Residents can tailor the app to their preferences, enhancing their daily life.

Rapid Technology Adoption

Erin ensures swift adoption of smart technology in buildings, enhancing security and efficiency rapidly.

Improved Security and Monitoring

Our integration of smart access boosts security and control for residents.

Minimal Disruption.

We understand the importance of continuity, especially in lived-in spaces. That's why our retrofit process is designed to be as non-intrusive as possible. Residents can continue their daily routines without significant interruptions, while we upgrade their living experience.

Ease of Installation.

One of Erin Living's hallmarks is its ease of installation. Our technology is crafted to integrate smoothly with existing infrastructures, ensuring that the transition to a smarter living space is hassle-free and efficient. There's no need for extensive modifications; our solution fits right into your current setup.

Whether it’s an iconic heritage building or a bustling residential complex, Erin Living’s retrofit solution is the key to unlocking a modern, efficient, and connected living experience. Our technology is a testament to the belief that even established properties can lead the way in smart living. Retrofit with Erin Living and watch as your property transforms, ready to meet the demands of the future head-on.

Increased Property Appeal.

Retrofitting with Erin Living not only enhances the experience for current residents but also increases the appeal of your property to potential buyers or tenants. In a market where smart homes are increasingly sought after, Erin Living gives your property a competitive edge.

Cost-Effective Upgrade.

Retrofitting with Erin Living is a cost-effective way to modernize your property. Without the need for major overhauls or new constructions, you can offer residents advanced living solutions that add significant value to your property at a fraction of the cost.

“Erin has helped our building streamline communication and future-proof our building in a rapidly changing way of living and apartment market environment so that we have been able to retain our beautiful building charm with modern and effective technology.” - Chairperson of an Erin Powered building

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