Simplified Amenity Bookings.

Erin Living transforms how residents access and book community facilities. Whether it's reserving the community centre for events or scheduling a tennis court session, our platform makes it effortless.

Community Bonds.

Our platform fosters a stronger sense of community. By facilitating easy access to shared spaces, Erin Living encourages residents to come together, whether for special events, sports, or casual gatherings, enriching the social fabric of the estate.

One app.
One community.

Erin is designed to enhance the living experience in sprawling land communities and estates, bringing residents closer to their amenities and each other.

Enhanced Security and Access Control.

With features like digital keys and smart access solutions, residents enjoy a secure environment. This technology not only offers convenience but also adds an extra layer of security to your estate's shared spaces.

Community Feedback and Engagement.

Utilise Erin to gather feedback, conduct surveys, or engage residents in decision-making processes. This inclusive approach not only enhances resident satisfaction but also ensures the community evolves according to their needs and preferences.

Trusted by

Some of the world's biggest brands

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